
Media History

Media Growing 2021-2023

We are excited about our Media Department. The first stage was to update our sound board in the sanctuary 2020.  Second, launch our new website in 2021. Friends of the ministry donated two cameras for us to begin live streaming our services. 

We are in process technically putting together both audio & video of the messages. Please stand with us in pray as wok towards our media gaols in 2021! 

If you are a part of New Beginnings Church and interested in helping in the Media Department, please contact the church office.  God Bless.

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Coming Soon To new Beginnings

Join Our YouTube community

Live Stream to Facebook 2022 To Present

Join Our Facebook Community

There are many ways to connect through social media.  Facebook is one way to reach out to one another, our community, and the world.  Our intensions are to use social media to be a blessing and to encourage others. We promote positive faith engagement. Please surf respectively and use our resources to reach the world with saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!
